Sunday, 2 June 2013

Hi from Rosie Clarke

This is my first post as Rosie Clarke.  I wanted to set up this blog just to get started, though my first saga for Ebury Books does not come out until next year.  In May we hope, if everything goes to plan.  I am very excited about this book, as, although I am an author with many books to my credit under various names, I believe this is my best book yet.

I have been writing for some years for various publishers, and a few self pub, which have recently done well, but I think this big saga is the most exciting thing to happen to me yet.  I do not want to jump the gun too far because it is early days yet, but I will blog now and then and post pics sometimes, and as the date for publication draws nearer I will put up small excerpts from the book.

The photo here is taken in my lovely big study at home, where I have a huge bookcase filled with books I've written and research books.  I love my writing so much and I enjoy hearing from my readers.  At the moment I am in the process of setting up a website and perhaps a newsletter - if I can manage it.  I shall hope to have a means for my readers to contact me my email, as I think the way to learn about your craft is to hear regularly from readers.  It is important to me to know what people like - and what they didn't like, and I always try to take notice of any constructive criticism.

I shall also be setting up either Facebook or Twitter in the near future, perhaps both.

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